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Recently a friend of mine told me about her role as a new project coordinator in a large retail office. She’s constantly asked to take on the projects of her senior colleagues and was living in fear that saying “no” would harm her position. As a result, she was overwhelmed and wasn’t sure she could keep up the pace. I don’t feel any better than her at the moment because at the moment, I am feeling as if I don’t do my best work and worry about making mistakes when performing under a deadline. I hate to be rushed and in a hurry.

Uni work has already gotten to a milestone. This is the week to sit down, have a think and reflect on the progress of the modules and how the semester has gone so far. Before the semester started, I created strategies for my studies and made particular note of certain weeks I expected overwhelming pressure. The pressure is more than I anticipated!  The study materials have piled up, And the assignments and deadlines are fast approaching. My most challenging aspect is the Skills 2 Statistics module. I feel the module is a very interesting one but there is so much to do in very little time and this gets me angry?? Or rather very disappointed.

I have devised a priority scheme to approach this week. I will use the help of the revision materials I got from the previous students to create study materials. I do hope to overcome the academic pressure this week.

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